The decision is made: you will prospect the rental market. You need a bigger apartment or a quieter home. You want to change the neighborhood or even region. Whatever your motivations, summerhouses to put all the chances on your side, is there a favorable season to find the rare pearl?
Prepare to save time
Private or institutional landlords rent real estate all year round. Depending on the cities chosen, you will have more or less difficulty finding the accommodation that suits you. But, except in cases of extreme urgency, it is better to take time to study well the rental market, define your budget and prioritize your priorities: old or recent, city center or periphery, transport, shops summerhouses. Establishing precisely your criteria will make your life easier or that of the agency that you have mandated. The preparation of your file with the necessary documents for the future owner will also allow you to be ready to position yourself quickly in case of a crush. The more you anticipate your project, the sooner you sign your new lease!
Rent in summer: availability and responsiveness
Seasonality mainly responds to the rhythm of social life. Do you want to rent in an urban environment? Enjoy the period when there is a peak of offers, that is just before the summer holidays. This is indeed the time of professional transhumance and student rotations. In July and August, the offer will be rich but the competition and rent prices can quickly fly away. Many future renters will have to be accommodated for the start of the school year, especially families looking for family homes or apartments close to schools. In the university cities, it is from the end of June that some of the students will vacate their accommodation or their place in the student residences while the other, who has just known his assignment will rush to the furnished studios and small areas available.
Whatever the type of property, for this period of high demand, you will need to make yourself available for visits and be responsive. To procrastinate too long is to take the risk of seeing a good that suits you, to pass under your nose. In the tight zone, the period of notice has been reduced to 1 month, says Jean-Marc Torrollion, President of Farm. Many renters now give their notice once the new home is found; this phenomenon causes attrition of the offer during the summer period whereas previously, the summer months were synonymous with a peak of obvious offers, with visibility to 3 months.